My Childish Freedom

Sitting here after making a decision to take a stand for my promise, I begin to reflect rather than jumping right into my to do list. So often I’ve become discouraged when things don’t work out or I can’t make sense of the vision that God has given me. I can recall times as a little girl I would freely spin around and around on this broken fence that we had in our housing projects. As I would sit on top of the bar and grab ahold to it and lean backwards to go under and over, I would find enjoyment in that moment. I wasn’t afraid of falling or mistakingly letting go of the bar. No, I held on tight and enjoyed the moment.

As adults we forget about those moments and lose our faith in the moment. We become smothered by life and all the details and deadlines and rascisim and social media posts and we forget to be free. Today as I sit here taking a moment to reflect I’m reconnecting with my freedom. My childlike faith and childhood memories that were good are helping me to add some excitement to this phase of my life. The truth is, I don’t know, you don’t know when this life will be over. Yes we have bills to pay and kids to take care of and businesses to run, but what if you allowed yourself the freedom to be free and creative in the process? What if when you have a meeting, instead of being so stuck on the details that you allow creativity in the room? Try it. What do you have to lose? What if before your meeting you showed a funny video or had your team to share something great that happened to them rather than jumping right into the details?

Today I’m free. Today I’m so happy and grateful for the opportunity to reflect on what was good about my childhood that has prepared me for this moment. Like Les Brown said in one of his messages, “I am the one”. You are the one. Reconnect with your inner child and giggle a little, run a little, color a little, just be free a lot and watch how your life begins to change.

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